Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal Discharge is the substance that comes out of the vagina and is a way for it to clean and regulate itself. It’s a healthy and normal part of the reproductive cycle and every woman experiences it. The vagina is self-cleaning, it does so with discharge. That’s why it’s important to note that you do not need anything other than warm water to clean your vagina. You should not be putting any soap or creams up there. We are taught by the media that our vaginas are unclean so we buy feminine products that actually cause us infection and irritation.

Discharge can look different, feel different, and smell different. But for the most part, it is:

  • clear and thin – this is the discharge around ovulation and when you are aroused, this is also what your discharge will look like
  • white / yellowish and thick – this discharge occurs when you are less fertile during the month
  • mild but not a strong odor
  • slightly brown or red around your period (before or after)

Every woman experiences discharge and it’s completely healthy and normal. It’s actually needed to keep your vagina’s Ph level acidic and healthy. Sometimes you can have more discharge than normal and this can be frustrating. I suggest using panty liners when this is the case. A lot of the time this is due to hormones!

If you notice a change in the color, smell or consistency of your discharge, you could have an infection (yeast, BV, STIs) so if that’s the case, it’s best to visit a gynecologist.