Hair Removal

Unlike my post on pubic hair, this is a post on specific to ways to remove it, if that’s what you choose to do with your body. Some people just prefer to be bare or hairless down there, and that’s completely your choice. And if you do choose to do that, there are certain tips I have to reduce ingrown hairs, razor bumps, etc.

Shaving: Probably the most common hair removal technique just because it’s the cheapest and the fastest. In order to reduce irritation and get the best shave, I suggest not shaving for a few days if you can, then using an exfoliant or any body scrub. This will release the hair follicles from the skin and get rid of any dead skin. First, you shave the area, and afterwards apply a lotion. My favorite razor is the Schick Intuition with the moisture bar: It’s the only razor I use. You don’t need shaving cream or soap, you just get it wet and then use it. It’s really important not to dry shave, because this causes small little nicks in your skin which will cause irritation. If you shave right before sex, it can increase your risk of STDs or STIs because if you cut yourself they can get right into your bloodstream. That’s why I think it’s important to use a condom if your partner and you aren’t tested or exclusive. I used to get bad ingrown hairs so I started laser treatements but I still shave in between.

Waxing: I used to wax my skin when I was in high school and I liked it except for the fact the only thing was you had to grow your hair out in-between waxing sessions. And for someone who prefers to keep it bare, I can understand not wanting to do that wait. I have some really good tips for waxing. I personally would suggest investing in a good waxing place. It can be expensive but it will make all the difference. I like places that use hard wax. So this is a type of wax that they can just pull off using the wax itself, not strips. It holds onto the hair but not your skin. Before you wax, make sure your hair is at least a quarter inch long. Exfoliate the night before to make sure no hair is trapped beneath the skin. Don’t drink coffee or be caffeinated before, you want to relax. Now my biggest tip is this breathing tip that the woman who waxed me in high school taught me and it saved my life. When the technician applies the wax, breathe out slowly. And as soon as they are about to rip the piece of wax have them count down from 3. So 3, 2, 1, and as they pull the piece of wax, you inhale really fast. For some reason, it makes it much less painful. I like waxing because it remains bare for 2 weeks and it’s as smooth as a baby’s bottom! The only negative part is that you have to grow out your hair and it’s painful.

Laser: I started to laser a year ago because I was prone to bad ingrown hairs and my dermatologist suggested it. I laser my bikini and my armpits. I shave in between but can go a week without having to shave anything. And I go for touch ups every few months. In the beginning, I only did around my bikini line just in case I wanted pubic hair again when I was older. But then I talked to my derm and apparently pubic hair thins out as your age, so I just decided to do a brazilian and that’s how I keep it. You shave in between and the days that I do laser, I put numbing cream on for an hour before. It’s expensive, but a good investment if you like things bare. It’s important to keep in mind that this is a permanent solution. Unless you absolutely know how you want to keep things down there, this might not be the method you want to use.

Sugaring: I personally have never sugared but I have a lot of friends who do. This is an ancient hair removal that can be traced back to 1900 BC. It’s essentially using a sugary substance that holds onto the hair and removes it without attaching to the skin. Sugaring hurts less than waxing and causes less irritation. I haven’t done it but I heard if they use a true sugaring technique (check with your technician) it hurts less than waxing.

Epilating: The only reason I know what this is is because my sister has done it to her legs in the past. It’s a little machine that sorta looks like an electric razor. It’s essentially electric tweezers. So you roll it over your leg and the epilator pulls out hairs similar to waxing. I remember my sister doing it to my leg and I thought it hurt so bad, so I never did it again. I don’t recommend it, but it’s cheap and fast. Some people like to wax then use an epilator to remove regrowth.