Yeast Infections

What is a yeast infection?

Vaginal Yeast Infections are caused by the overproduction of Candida (a naturally occurring microorganism in the vagina). If there is an imbalance in your system, then there can be an overgrowth of yeast which can cause vaginal yeast infections.

Over 75% of women experience a yeast infection at some point in their life. And although it is one of the most common infections for women, it remains something misunderstood and often mistreated. Unfortunately, I am one of those people who is just prone to them. And trust me, it really sucks. But after doing lots of research on my own, I have figured out what works for me and I’m down to share those tips.

First of all, Yeast infections have NOTHING to do with cleanliness; that is a misconception.


They are most commonly caused by:
the use of antibiotics (which kills good and bad bacteria which then allows the yeast to overproduce)
eating lots of sugar
hormonal imbalances
weak immune systems
uncontrolled diabetes
lack of sleep

Candida naturally occurs in everyone’s bodies. And it also exists in women’s vaginas. When there is an upset in your body (any of those listed above) it can overgrow. What keeps Candida at bay is lactobacillus bacteria. This is the healthy bacteria that keeps all things running smoothly. But when your body is stressed or sick, it can’t work effectively, so an overgrowth of Candida can occur.


When Candida overgrows, it causes a yeast infection. The symptoms are:
pain during sex
whitish or grey thick discharge (similar to cottage cheese :/)

I used to be on antibiotics when I was younger for my acne (which didn’t work by the way! See my post on acne) And I would get yeast infections all the time from them. The good and bad bacteria in my body was getting killed, so there was an imbalance, which caused the Candida to overgrow. And although I went to gyno after gyno and I always was prescribed pills, I was never told any natural ways to relieve this or better yet avoid it in the first place.

Getting a Vaginal Yeast Infection Diagnosis:

If you are going to take medicine for a yeast infection then it is important to get a correct diagnosis. If you are sexually active, I think it’s important to get a gynecologist. If you don’t want to tell your parents you’re sexually active, you can get the same tests at Planned Parenthood. Or if you live in Seattle, you could visit your public high school’s nurse.


Diet: cut out sugar, eat ginger, garlic, drink lots of water, do not eat mushrooms (fungus)
NO alcohol: alcohol is mainly sugar which will feed the yeast
avoid hot baths while you have one
(I swear to God, I’ve gone to literally so many gynos, and it wasn’t until I took a food course in college and went out on my own to research this that I ever learned that the number one thing you need to do if you have a yeast infection is to cut out sugar. Candida feeds on sugar. That means every time you drink that soda or eat ice cream, that vaginal yeast infection is spreading and getting worse. Going to the drug store and buying Monistat will help or getting a pill from your doctor, but in the meantime, do not ingest sugar! No bread, no rice, no soda, no fruit. Cutting it out entirely will starve the yeast and make it go away. )

Additionally, you can try Diflucan, an oral medication you can get from your gyno that will kill the infection in 1 to 3 days, or antifungal cream or medication from your local drugstore such as Monistat.

eat lots of probiotics (always replenishing good bacteria and keeping that Candida at bay)
keep sugar to a minimum
avoid super tight pants or tights
don’t take antibiotics and if you do, make you sure you absolutely have to
wear cotton underwear
wash your underwear in natural, scent free detergent
avoid feminine care products that are scented or any vaginal washes (warm water is enough for your vagina, anything else upsets the balance)
don’t douche

I find it funny (and terribly disheartening) that something so common is so taboo and immediately attached to grossness. Yes, yeast infections are horrible, but they’re natural. Yeast infections are completely normal, they’re something that every woman goes through. And they’re something that with the right steps and diet choices, can be treated and often even avoided. It makes me terribly upset that I have memories of being younger and having them, and taking a bath or doing all the wrong steps, simply because I didn’t have the information I have now. Looking back on it, I did everything wrong! I did all the things that would make them linger for a lot longer and made them a lot worse. So to anyone having them, I really hope this helps, and that it prevents you from going through the same Hell I did when I was younger.