Naturopathic Skin Care

Many skin and hair ailments can be fixed with a change in your lifestyle through diet, exercise and reducing stress. But, there are many ingredients you can find at your local health food or grocery store that can be used both orally and topically to treat many common skin and hair conditions. Although many people see homeopathic approaches to skin care as more expensive, time-consuming and less effective, when done properly it can save you money and time! You can also support great brands that focus on environmental, philanthropic, organic and socially conscious approaches. A common misconception is that homeopathic products are not as powerful as chemical or prescription ones. This is false and you should use these ingredients carefully and often diluted in order to avoid further skin irritation!

For acne, there are a bunch of incredible ingredients to help dry up your pimples instead of using chemical products like Retin-a or Benzoyl Peroxide. Apple Cider Vinegar (Bragg’s Raw Unfiltered is the best) is a powerful tool to fight acne. A bottle of Bragg’s can be purchased for under $5, has no additives or chemicals, is organic, and will last you a very long time! Apple cider vinegar works as an antibacterial and antiseptic agent, which can kill and clean out toxins in your skin that cause acne. It can also alkalize and balance the pH as well as reduce inflammation, redness and swelling. Apple Cider Vinegar can be used by diluting it with one part water to one part vinegar. You can use a cotton ball and apply a thin layer of this mixture to your face before you go to bed. When you first start on this routine, make sure to only leave it on for 10-15 minutes before thoroughly washing it off. This will allow your skin to adjust to the mixture so it doesn’t burn or irritate your skin. You can also use this mixture for spot treatment by using a cotton swab and applying it to your acne.
Warning: Make sure you never use PURE apple cider vinegar! Your skin can end up burnt, scarred and more irritated than before if you do so.

Tea tree oil is another great, powerful and potent ingredient that can be used to treat acne. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties that cleanse your skin and allow it to heal while also preventing more acne from growing. Tea tree oil can burn and irritate your skin when used too frequently or in high doses, so diluting it is often best if you are not using it as a spot treatment. You can use tea tree oil on a cotton swab and apply it directly on the acne and leave it on overnight. You can also add a few drops of it to the honey mask described below or with aloe vera gel. A few drops can also be added to coconut oil if using it for your hair/scalp which will promote hair growth.

Another great ingredient for your skin is raw, unfiltered honey. You can use honey as a quick and easy mask that doubles as a face wash. Honey works as an antibiotic, which, similar to apple cider vinegar, can clear out toxins and clean your skin. Honey also works as a great soothing ingredient that can dramatically aid in reducing inflammation and redness. It’s also loaded with probiotics which help renew your skin, as well as reduce your chances of acne growth. Another great use for honey is for facial scars– often caused by acne or harsh acne treatments– by promoting healthy new skin growth, providing vitamins and minerals necessary for skin to heal as well as aiding in the repair of damaged skin cells. To use honey on your skin, place a layer (make sure it is raw, unfiltered and, if possible, organic) on your face for at least 15 minutes and up to a full hour. Raw honey is not intense or acidic, so you don’t have to worry about leaving it on for too long (it won’t irritate or burn your skin). To wash it off, use warm water. The best way to wash it off is by running a washcloth through hot water and placing it on your face to rub off the mask. There is no need to use a face wash or soap after using the honey as it will clean the skin just as well, if not better, than any wash. You can also add ingredients like brown sugar or oats to the honey if you want to create a gentle scrub.

Dry skin is a common condition from which many people suffer. Often, using drugstore creams and moisturizers ends up drying out our skin more, not to mention, that they’re very expensive and include harsh chemicals and ingredients. The honey face wash (above) is a great way to add moisture to your skin, but another great ingredient that is more similar to a cream is organic, raw coconut oil. A common misconception is that oil causes acne, but acne is actually caused from the inside out, not the outside in. Using natural oils on your skin are not likely to cause any acne or harmful grease. Coconut oil can be applied in a very thin layer on your face or any other dry areas of your body. It is packed with saturated fats, which helps add and retain moisture in the skin, as well as vitamin E which creates new, healthy skin growth while also repairing skin and preventing aging. Coconut oil can also be used for dry hair. Make sure to use a very small amount (probably less than you think is necessary) and massage it in your hair when it is wet. Lastly, coconut oil is great as a shaving cream, and an eye makeup remover replacement.

These are only a few of many ingredients that can be used to replace your cosmetic or pharmaceutical ‘beauty’ products! The list is endless; lemon, yogurt, egg whites, aloe vera, olive oil, avocado, coffee, herbs, spices, cucumber, etc.! All of these options are better for you and your skin and have far fewer side effects. Not to mention, as you experiment with what ingredients work best for you, you can end up saving a ton of money. All of these ingredients are extremely versatile and can replace many of the products you are currently using. Remember that your skin can reveal a tremendous amount about your lifestyle. Incorporating healthy raw fats like coconut oil and avocado into your diet can moisturize your skin from the inside out. Cutting out sugars, gluten and dairy products will rid you of acne, redness, inflammation and many other skin disorders. Exercise, sweating, yoga and meditation can also greatly reduce the likelihood of skin conditions occurring. Focusing on the root cause of your issues will allow you to rarely have to use any of these ingredients topically! But, in replacement of or for some more immediate results, these are awesome alternatives to many products bought at your local pharmacy.