Sex Ed Importance

I went to Catholic School my whole life and although I won’t lie and say we didn’t have sex ed, we had a very minimal, brief sex ed that barely touched upon topics. And most everything I learned about sex, I got from staying up late searching the internet or asking friends.

I frequently try to imagine how productive and better off our society would be if comprehensive and progressive Sex Ed was taught in schools. In fact, in the US, the majority of programs taught are abstinence programs. Programs that teach kids to not have sex instead of how to have safe sex. And it is proven that those programs have zero effect on making teens hold off on sex, but instead, only result in unsafe sex and higher rates of STDs and teen pregnancy

What is important to understand­­ in my opinion even more important than STDs and birth control­­ is that sexuality is UNIQUE! Everyone is different. We have different gender orientations, sexual preferences, body images, relationship needs, as well as a multitude of differences on a biological level. We are all made of different atoms and hormones, and one person’s sexuality is going to be entirely different from another’s.

Sex should be safe and it should be enjoyable! It is more than physical intercourse. Sex is a gift, it is something you give and also receive. It is different and personal to each and everyone. It is based on mutual respect and responsibility and is one of the most amazing parts of being human.

I can not tell you how many of my friends have had awful sexual experiences, of the amount of rape that goes on in this world, of slut-shaming, the list goes on. The approach we currently have towards sex and sexuality absolutely needs to be changed.

Sex is something you get better at, and the more you can be open about what you like and how you are feeling, the better sex will be for you. It will be safer, it will have zero guilt attached, you will feel better emotionally and physically.

There are so many topics I hope to cover with this blog. Sexuality and sex go way beyond, “how to give a blowjob.” And, as times are changing rapidly, there are so many new questions and more gray areas than before. With the internet age, comes the rapid growth of porn, of nudes, of sexting, of consent. I’m not an expert, but I’m willing to share my experiences and the knowledge that I have gained being passionate about this subject. It’s my sincere hope that it will be of use to you all out there.