How To Break Up With Someone

I’m going to start this post by saying an ideal way to go through a breakup is for it to be mutual. But unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. And so, as most of us know, that comes to one person in the relationship having to make the decision to end things. I think it’s important to state that every relationship is different and therefore, there isn’t a “correct” way to break up with someone. That being said, I firmly believe that there are some wrong ways to go about it. I do think it’s worse to stay with someone that you’re not into anymore, and the mature, right thing to do, is to break up and move on.

This also isn’t some article or post where I’m going to tell you how it’s done or to give you instructions to follow step by step. Stay away from people who try to tell you how to run your life! We live in a culture that’s pretty obsessed with that. I have zero intention of telling you what exactly you should do. Instead, I am open to sharing different ways I have gone about it, what worked for me and what didn’t: What still pains me months later and what I got over in a day. So let’s start by reiterating what I put in the “how to get over a breakup” post and state again, that I have been in three serious relationships. And all of those I ended. I can share how I broke up with my boyfriends, how they differed, what I felt like I did wrong with one, I tried to change with the next. This also isn’t a post on what to do if you get broken up with, but talking from personal experience, how to end things yourself.

Figuring out Why?

The first thing I’ll start with is figuring out “Why you’re breaking up with someone or things are ending.” This is going to influence how you do it whether or not you realize it. Maybe you’re just not into your boyfriend/girlfriend anymore. Maybe they cheated on you or did something unloyal. Maybe you cheated on them? The list is endless. Maybe you’ve been trying to make it work and it just hasn’t and it’s time to bite the bullet. There are a million reasons, couples break up. And no one can tell you what’s right for you besides you! Even though some of my break ups hurt really bad, and even though I ended them, that doesn’t mean I didn’t miss my exes. But I also know for a fact, those were some of the best decisions I’ve made.

Doing it over text

Oh my god, this is so painful to write because I know I come off sounding heartless, but I have broken up with two of my exes over text. And it was because I was mad. So, I’m definitely not a saint and I know that it can do a whole lot of harm for someone’s ego when you dump them over a device. If you’re going to go this route (which I don’t recommend) then you need to be okay with things being over for good. It doesn’t give you a good set up for being friends with an ex. They’re going to feel humiliated and disrespected that you didn’t even have enough respect for them to at least say it to their face.

How has this type of break up played out now

I have since, become very good friends with one of my exes where I ended things over a phone. The relationship was pretty much over anyways so there wasn’t much heartbreak. In fact, the text was sent, and there was no closure, we were just done. And we didn’t speak for well over a month. That was the shittiest part, even though, I technically “called it off” I still didn’t feel like I got any closure and that burned for a minute. We did end up reconciling our differences later and becoming friends. I was also really young at the time… I wouldn’t change it now because I learned a lot and I went about my second break up a lot differently. And things were better!

During another break up I went through, I was really mad and ended things short and fast on text. And since then we have had little to no communication and I’m going to say that’s for the best and that we are probably never going to be friends. And I think that’s because I was cold in how I went about the break up and I imagine he’s gonna resent me for a long time. So if you’re fine with that, then I guess go for the text break up. But in my experience, it’s not the best way to breakup with someone. It’s definitely pretty callous, and you’re gonna leave a bad taste in their mouth.

Breaking up with someone in person

After my first break up, ending how it did, I really tried to be nicer and go about things with the second one differently. It’s important to note, though, that we broke up for very different reasons. But I broke up with this ex in person. I can honestly say it was one of the most awkward, painful things I’ve been through. This was the only time I got to see how badly I hurt someone in breaking up with them. Through all of that, I still knew it was the right way to do it. I even made a point of telling him that I respected him enough to do it in person. But nothing could have prepared me for how the whole thing played out. I remember reading guides online of how to break up with someone in person because, honestly, I was clueless. And, well, you really don’t know what you’re doing until you have to do it. He cried while I kinda sat there, confused. It ended and I went home. Some of my friends told me to do it at his place because then you can leave. And if you do it at yours, they might not leave.. uhhh. So I did it at his place, ripped off the band-aid and that was that. I remember reading really funny stories online: ones that were like, what if he’s the type that runs away from conflict? And that you’re supposed to break up with that type of person on a ferry boat so they can’t escape. Or how to dump a cheater. And to break up with them in Starbucks because that’s all a cheater deserves; to be dumped in a huge chain, lol.

What it did for me

I felt a lot better than the other break ups. I was really nice about it, explained my reasoning and then it was done. I felt better about myself because I was learning how to go about these things in a better way.


I think being mindful of timing is a courteous thing to do. I broke up with one of my exes right before he went back to school, and in my head, that was a nice thing to do so that way he could go enjoy himself. But according to him, I fucked up his school year. Yea, IDK. I also know someone who got broken up with the day before their birthday. I’m gonna say that’s probably not the best day to choose to break up with someone. But then again is there a good date? Probably not, right? But, undoubtedly, there are definitely some that are worse than others.

Clean Cut

This brings me to some wisdom that my mom used to bestow amongst my family. She believed in a the clean cut approach to relationships. She said when you end things, you end them, and that’s that. No communication. And maybe it was easier for her back in the day because she was in the dating game way before texting. But her reasoning was, that when you break things off and you guys stay away from each other, you are only left with the positive parts of the relationship. So you remember the good times of when you liked or loved each other. And when people speak after they break up, things usually get messy and then they take away from those pleasant memories. Think about divorced parents who hate each other. They didn’t always hate each other. But they kinda ruined things by keeping in contact a lot and then having so many negative new experiences or memories; one that overshadow the good ones from the past. My dad says that’s how she dealt with all her relationships; but I’m thinking she must have broken some hearts. But I imagine she didn’t crush their spirit by keeping in touch, only to find a new guy.

I used to be the girl that talked to all her exes and I can tell you, first hand, that it never helped me feel better. Things weren’t exactly platonic with all of them and things got messy easily. And it caused me a lot of stress and anxiety that could have been avoided, as I went through a little period of bouncing from ex to ex. And it took me a while to really work towards letting them go and being truly single! Having done so, I’ve been feeling the best I have in a really long time.


So from my experience, the best way I’ve broken up with someone is doing it in person, and then cutting things off entirely with them after. Granted it’s really hard, and certainly way harder than it sounds, but it’s only since I’ve done that, that I’ve felt as good as I do today. You can’t really expect to be able to move on if you’re still speaking to your ex all the time. I mean, think about it this way, I would never start things with a guy who is speaking to his ex all the time. If the ex is still in the picture, unless they’re 100% platonic, you’re likely destined to be number 2.