Is Weed Dick Real?

@oh_well_noelle 7

“Whiskey Dick,” as many of us like to call it, is the inability to get erect after a night of heavy drinking. We’ve all talked about this before, but what about weed dick — does marijuana play a role in our performance during intercourse?

To find out, I interviewed a long list of KAAST readers about their experiences mixing sex and weed. The first thing I wanted to know was whether or not being under the influence made intercourse better or worse. Of course, the answers varied.

“For me personally, I think that weed helps me to settle down before having sex. Sometimes I feel like I can get too into my head and weed helps to to relax and enjoy the experience,” says an anonymous interviewee. They also admitted to  “being more tired, overcoming cotton mouth, and sometimes getting distracted,” but other than these few minor factors, they claim that marijuana has not impacted their sex life very much and that “Weed Dick” does not necessarily pertain to them.

Cotton mouth is the excessive dryness in your mouth that commonly accompanies smoking, which can also cause making-out to be an issue. One female reader says, “Yes, I get cotton mouth all the time and it’s not exactly a treat to make out with. He and I have been together a long time so there’s no shame in being like I need a glass of water. I also will get  ‘cotton mouth’ in my vagina. It can really dry me out sometimes which is no fun but the re-lubrication process is easy — so no harm, no foul.”

I was fortunate enough to have one reader email me with two perspectives: one from them, and the other from their significant other.

In regards to the first question about whether or not smoking has a positive or negative influence on their sex life, I got two answers. The first was, “I would say it makes my performance better with the one caveat that sometimes I lose track of what I’m doing. But I usually recover pretty quickly I think.” Meanwhile their partner added, “Weed dick is real y’all. Unlike whiskey dick, with weed dick I feel more sensations than sober, get harder, and last longer (well, that last part is the same as whiskey dick, but not as sloppy and again — with more feeling). The only potential negative for me is, if I’m too high, I think about weird ass shit constantly.”

Everyone’s body reacts to weed differently. Some may be able to handle it well and others may drift off, which can, of course, have consequences during sex. Although, while Whiskey Dick can lead to struggles getting and maintaining an erection, it doesn’t seem like Weed Dick has the same association.

Being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol could impact each person differently. One reader said of their partner, “He could only get hard when he was high. I guess it relaxed him to a point where he wasn’t so much in his head… So for the two months we had a thing, we could only have penetrative sex while he was high.” In this subject’s sexual relationship with their hook-up, weed was crucial to intercourse. In other words, it was the complete opposite of Whiskey Dick for their partner.

Another trend in the discussion of Weed Dick is how calm most people feel when getting into intercourse while high. “Before intercourse, I feel happy when I’m stoned. There have been times, though, where we get too stoned and end up falling asleep instead of having sex. My body is more relaxed and I feel like I’m able to open up more when I’m stoned,” confessed one interviewee.

Along the same lines of calmness, people spoke of an increased sense of intimacy that comes with mixing weed and sex together. One person said, “It definitely takes me longer to finish when I’m high. It’s a weird mix of stuff — everything feels so good I want to hold on to the feeling longer, sometimes my mind goes off to a weird place…”

Another man in a M/F relationship said, “My best guess would be that smoking makes me finish faster. There is just so much more raw emotion, and since I’m under the influence, I don’t think about holding off for a longer session; I just want us both to keep that good feeling forever.” He also added, “We have significantly less sex when I’m smoking and the sex is more wholesome (more intimacy and smiling and giggling) and I feel quite a bit more connected to my partner because we take our time while high.”

This idea of intimacy and closeness during intercourse may be because of the increased sensitivity that one’s body often feels when high (as mentioned by many contributors to the article), which makes each partner want to feel touched and groomed during intercourse. One of my favorite quotes from the flood of Weed Dick emails I received was, “I literally can’t think of any dick related problems related to weed. If anything, I could imagine someone becoming dependent on weed for sex. It’s the millennial’s viagra,” one reader wrote. According to this relationship, weed is the holy grail of their sex life.  

So, to sum up my investigation, it seems that Weed Dick does not equal Whiskey Dick. In fact, they are on two different ends of the spectrum. Whiskey Dick makes intercourse nearly impossible when trying to get erect, but from the plethora of feedback received from our readers, weed seems to have quite the opposite effect. However, something I also concluded from the information I received was that marijuana can make it more difficult for a person with a vagina to cross the finish line during intercourse while high. Many women told me that they drift off and cannot stay focused on the foreplay/sex while stoned. 

According to what I’ve experienced and have been told, weed can be a wonderful addition to one’s sex life, with the exception of a few people stating that weed puts themselves or their sexual partner in a strange mood/head space that alters the way they act during intercourse (moody, angry, distant). As always, remember that each person reacts to drugs differently. Before going into intercourse with someone under the influence of any drink or substance (and just in general), ask for consent!

You want to make sure each partner is ready, consenting, and comfortable with their current mental state — whatever that may be. 


First two photos are by Kama Snow, and the final photo is by Noelle Lucchesi.Â