Benefits Of Masturbating

Masturbating is an amazing way to connect to your body and yourself as a whole. There is often a stigma and negative connotation around females and masturbating, but it can be a really positive and healthy part of your routine and something you certainly shouldn’t feel ashamed of doing. Masturbating has so many health benefits and is something that can be done as frequently or infrequently as you like.

Emotional Health:

If you are having a bad day and need a way to cope or to release your stress, masturbating can be a healthy and accessible go-to. Incorporating it into your daily or weekly routine is a really quick and positive way to release emotional tension. Masturbating can be very therapeutic and calming to many people and there really are no negative side effects.

Mental Health:

Similar to the effect of certain drugs, orgasms release dopamine and oxytocin which make you feel great. These endorphins create a natural high that is healthy, satisfying and uplifting. It can make you feel calm and refreshed to masturbate due to these endorphins being released. Additionally, connecting to your body is important for a healthy mind. Masturbating will help you feel more comfortable, open, aware and knowledgeable about your own body. Not only will this help improve your sex life, it will help you familiarize yourself with your own anatomy and accept it for what it is. Everyone person is unique and it is important to love your body in order to have a healthy mindset and body image.

Physical Health:

When you do any physical workout, endorphins are released. When endorphins are released, stress and anxiety levels are lowered. Masturbating can be so overwhelming (in a good way) that it often takes your mind off of things, thus allowing you to focus on a pleasurable and purely positive exercise. When with a partner, you are sometimes distracted by their pleasure and presence that you may be unable to fully focus on yours. Masturbating, on the other hand, is such personal experience, and as such you are often more likely to find yourself in a more relaxed mindset, focused on your own sense of pleasure and hopefully in a meditative trance. Masturbation can also help relieve physical pain and can rid the cervix of bad bacteria. Additionally, the calm and satisfaction that result from an organism can help you sleep, thereby naturally preventing insomnia.